
Welcome to the CVAB Online Community Blog. CVAB is a mental health consumer-run agency in Vancouver WA. This is our place to dialog about things related to CVAB and more importantly, those things that affect you and our community health, wellness and recovery.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Legislative Activity

There are many things to be aware of as the legislative session moves forward. I think it is clear that budget cuts will grab the headlines and jeopardize necessary and helpful health, wellness and recovery services.

It may be helpful to bring to one another's attention proposals that can change how services are or are not provided. We may have differing opinions but at least we'll be informed...

Two bills I would like to highlight are linked below:

HB 1563
HB 1545
I hope the links work and that you take the time to review them. I guess you can offer your opinion here but what matters is offering it to those in Olympia.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Extending Our REACH, Making Our Future in 2011

Next year, CVAB's 16th year, will present some of our most significant challenges. The current statewide financial crisis coupled with healthcare reform initiatives are reshaping or removing services that we have come to expect or desire. Although some of these changes are for the better, not all of them will mean an improvement in health, wellness and recovery services. CVAB leaders and members must work together to ensure that in the midst of change the proposed services meet individual needs

The impact of budgetary and healthcare integration changes will certainly be realized by CVAB. If CVAB is going to continue Extending Our REACH through our Centers, Warmline, statewide project and other efforts, we are going to have to be assertive about Making Our Future. Again, CVAB leaders and members must work together to make certain that we make the changes that will ensure individual and community health, wellness and recovery services continue to be available through our agency and organizations like ours.

If we want to continue to Extend Our REACH, we have to Make Our Future.