
Welcome to the CVAB Online Community Blog. CVAB is a mental health consumer-run agency in Vancouver WA. This is our place to dialog about things related to CVAB and more importantly, those things that affect you and our community health, wellness and recovery.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Diagnosis Game

This is a Kessler Kolumn extra (you won't find this in The Voice where Nick's Kolumns appear monthly).

I really don’t like how even the most benign facets of the mental health system work sometimes. Although I have not been exposed to the problem I am about to explain in quite a while, I can see how any consumer can be lead into the following scenario, and it is very self-destructive. Sometimes the only defense we can honestly come up with for our behavior is our diagnoses themselves. Yet this does not often seem to satisfy the providers much at all. It’s hard for us to articulate these “relapses” because they can often lead to false interpretations when we try. Sometimes we are too afraid to try at all. What can we as consumers do when we reach this point? I can only think of a few things, sadly. One is simply ask the therapist or case manager: “What are ALL of my options”

The second is to use an advance directive. I hope that CVAB and other organizations continue to hold classes on these (I’m in need of one myself). Finally, come to CVAB and try to engage in-depth with others about similar problems they’ve been through. It’s amazing how easy it is to get a nudge in the right direction at this place.

Good luck,


  1. he Nick, maybe I can say some words of encouragement. I throught for a long time when I acted the way I did was about my mental health problem. Then with help I took responiably for my own actions, and my own recouvery. I took charge of my own life.
    About the advance directive. I have my family helping me. I give the charge of making sure I am handling my mental health recovery. They know what medicines I take. My brother and wife talk to me about life when they think Im not doing well. They have been concerned.

  2. Hi, Nick, I like your columen and remarks. You are very incourageing to people. You seem to know what to say and help people. Its good you havc helped out alot. We miss your game day. Have a very nice day and stay happy. Carolyn
