
Welcome to the CVAB Online Community Blog. CVAB is a mental health consumer-run agency in Vancouver WA. This is our place to dialog about things related to CVAB and more importantly, those things that affect you and our community health, wellness and recovery.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well, we have made it to the twelfth month of twenty-ten. I hope you take a look at the calendar and choose to participate in one of our activities. Now is the time to start thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2011...


  1. hello to everyone, its merry christmas time again. I have volenteered at cvab 4 years as greeter. I need to explain something I have said. I have been given awards at cvab and Im so glad everyone else has had a chance to an award. I do not have to volenteer just to get an award. I volenteer because it comes from my heart. I have been there like the rest of you. I have been in the mental health systeym a long long time. I have recently received my social security. My own social security and my ex-husband social security. I will lose a few benefits, The state is working on trying to find me medical benefits. I wish myself luck. Carolyn McCord greeter CVAB

  2. A huge Thanks, and Happy Holidays to all the volunteers!

  3. if anyone needs help with social security talk to cindy falker or cat. They are there to help you. There is help called senior healthcare. There are options to help with your prescribtions and medical. You have to pay extra for it , like a co pay. There is also spend down which might not help to much. In the event you need support have your family help you. When you might not understand the benfits there is support to help you. Dential and eye care is a different option for everyone. I will sigh off for now. Carolyn McCord CVAB greeter.

  4. I foresee myself taking part in the newsletter, if not leading the effort. I have been one for making and breaking promises on the front of this subject, and I am tired of being such a flake. Just as Consumer Voices Are Born, the Voice Newsletter will be re-born. This will probably start @ January's community and MAC meetings, where I most definitely wish to be a part of and will voice my concerns on how important a newsletter is! --Nick Kessler

  5. BTW: The fact that CVAB is now on facebook gives me the creeps.

  6. The posts above demonstrate how much a person can be out of touch with CVAB when not a regular particpant. CVAB is open to anyone willing to move forward in personal health, wellness, recovery...life.

  7. What was that supposed to mean? Just because I have other priorities in my life aside from CVAB doesn't mean I'm condemning it in any way. One thing I've learned by coming to CVAB as long as I have is that making a public statement is one of the best ways to initiate change. I'm a little flummoxed by your comment. I thought what I was saying was positive.

  8. This brings something up that I can't help but mention: Do we really want the leaders of CVAB to be protectively narcissistic about their jobs, or do we want them to contribute to making people feel welcome in its community? Dare we treat CVAB as a democratic entity? Does that require too much effort?

  9. CVAB is always happy to see particpants move beyond "CVAB only" and into the community and pursuits of personal interest; as a matter of fact, we recommend it. Two things of note in above posts: 1) we are glad that Nick has chosen a way of contributing to CVAB in 2011. 2) we think that expressing your thoughts, even negative one's can be of benefit on a number of levels.

    Finally, there hasn't been an outcry, barely even a whimper, for the Voice that went on hiatus 6 months ago. The revival of it is already in the works for 2011 in two forms: electronically for all and in print for members and donors. This is necessitated by desire to be fiscally and environmentally responsible as explained in community gatherings, MAC meetings and one-on-one.

  10. 2011 is different for me and others. I changed activities around to help others. I felt stuck by not being involved more. I have since gotten more involved. I can not mention somethings I do because I made a promise not to tell anyone else. There is alot of trust involved. I will mention, which is ok about others joining MAC and coming to Lead class which involves the legistive issues. Now is the time to speak and speak up. I think the idea of starting the newsletter again is a good thing. Everyone misses the newsletter. It informed about alot of consumer issues and support. There were good articles to read plus an input about cvab future plans. Now days people forget to pick up the cvab calander. Its not being very formative in the way the calender is handled now days. Who ever is in charge, please think about printing the newsletter again. To many people really miss it. Carolyn McCord CVAB

  11. I used to be able to access CVAB's calender through their web site--I don't see it in the new format--is it still available? Please provide directions to it if it is available. Thanks

  12. I do not understand what was meant when "CVAB said"...

    "The posts above demonstrate how much a person can be out of touch with CVAB when not a regular particpant. CVAB is open to anyone willing to move forward in personal health, wellness, recovery...life."

    I just might be slow, but I don't see anything in the previous posts to indicate any contradiction to CVABs being "open to anyone willing...."

    It would be nice if responses to previous statements would be clearly connected.--If need be, please copy and paste. thanks+

  13. Nick, I appreciate your input. What I saw in your comments of December 27, 2010 1:49 PM is that you were making a statement of personal desire to move forward.--Perhaps thinking that putting it in writing would help to make a commitment of it. That does help sometimes.---Gotta ask though, what do you have against facebook?

    I agree that it is better to speak ones opinion, and I also believe that one person can make a difference. Personally, I often get criticized for expressing an opinion that does not seem to meet with general opinion. Sometimes I still allow fear of rejection or criticism to cause me to keep my opinions to myself. But I have worked many years to get to a point where I even have an opinion. So, though I do have set-backs, I know that for me, growth, is to continue to put forth the effort to be heard.

    I used to believe that being part of the community gatherings and/or MAC gave a person a vote on issues...thinking that the majority rules. Sad to say, I don't currently believe that is true of any aspect of CVAB. [I could be wrong, but I hope I still have a right to my opinion.]
