
Welcome to the CVAB Online Community Blog. CVAB is a mental health consumer-run agency in Vancouver WA. This is our place to dialog about things related to CVAB and more importantly, those things that affect you and our community health, wellness and recovery.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Five Years and Counting

I just hit the five year mark as CVAB's ED on March 20, and it continues to be an honor to serve and lead an organization filled with courageous, smart and caring people. Through the years we have had skeptics, the negatively critical, and the uncertain but the people of the CVAB community are for the most part individuals of heroic proportion.

Thanks to all for challenging me as a leader and human, and helping me do what I do so we all can participate in the wonderful health, wellness and recovery experiment called CVAB.

1 comment:

  1. I was there at the begining. You came in as the batton was being passed to you. I could tell that you realized quickly that this was a bigger job than for one person. So you encouraged, taught, and times demanded that each person in that center was a part of a whole. You gathered that whole crew and began the race to the destiny for CVAB. I am proud to call you my freind.
    Kay R.
