
Welcome to the CVAB Online Community Blog. CVAB is a mental health consumer-run agency in Vancouver WA. This is our place to dialog about things related to CVAB and more importantly, those things that affect you and our community health, wellness and recovery.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A case of the "ick"

It has been kind of quiet around CVAB this week. I hope people are getting out and enjoying the warm weather and many summertime opportunities.

The aquarium has been undergoing some maintenance; it has a nasty case of the "ick"--a parasite that infects the tank and gets under the skin of the fish making life difficult. We've had to get tough with treating the water and the fish have had to do what they can to take care of themselves. This has led to turmoil in the aquarium and a reduction in our community of fish. That's what happens when something unhealthy gets into a community.


  1. I feel sorry for the sick fish in our fish tank at CVAB. The fish have a hard time catching their breath. People are sometimes like fish, they forget to breathe. Take a deep breath and blow it out. This is a good relaxing exercise. I hope the fish get better real soon. So far the fish are swimming and playing around. We need to enjoy the fish for a long long time. Carolyn

  2. Im glad the ick is gone in the fishtank. Most of the fish survived, meaning back to its normal self. I listen sometimes to talk in living room and around cvab. Talk has become nicer. No name calling. No one is talking to hurt someones feelings. It brightens someones day to hear the positive, like asking how someone day is. Putting a curse on someone else is not such a good thing. Keep the positive up. Smile and have a nice day. Carolyn
